
Sex-Positive Podcasts You Should Be Tuning Into

Once upon a time, the mere thought of carrying on candid conversations about sex was deemed “fast” or “unladylike.” Any inkling of dirty talk was met with immediate backlash, silencing an important and very stimulating (all puns included) narrative. Luckily, within the past few years, the tides have changed. Women are ready to unapologetically create a dialogue set to inform, spread awareness and activate our inner sexual goddess.

Salt N Pepa would be so proud.


We’ve assembled a list of sex-positive podcasts we simply can’t get enough of. From the provocative to the educational, this collection of audial sex experts aims to flip the script on all things carnal. Antiquated ideologies are out the window. Taboo conversations are tackled head on. If podcasting is the way of the future, these programs are light years ahead.

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Dating in NYC

3 The Hard Way

Down for Whatever