
3 Shows We’re Anticipating In 2019 (Featuring Upspoken Women)

One of our favorite forms of self-care is watching television, especially shows that feature our favorite Upspoken women. With Regina King’s recent Golden Globes win and commitment to ensure every project she’s on includes 50% women and Blackish star Marsai Martin being the youngest executive producer in film, we’re excited about the uptick in representation for Black women on both the big and silver screen. Below are 3 shows we’re looking forward to watching in 2019.

How To Get Away With Murder, Annaliese is Back Ya’ll
Return: January 17, 2019, ABC

It doesn’t get any more Upspoken than queen Viola Davis. The past two seasons tackled mass incarceration, an important issue in the Black community and the Fall Finale ended with (*spoiler alert*) Nate repeating the sins of his father. We’re looking forward to seeing how the cast grapples with Nate committing murder and Annaliese taking on the Governor of Pennsylvania.


Insecure, Season Four Shinanigens
Return: TBD, HBO

We enjoyed seeing Issa and Molly’s growth last season and we’re excited to see what the future holds for them in season four. We hope Issa comes into her own professionally and finds success. Also, we can’t wait to see how Molly and Andrew’s relationship evolves.


The Central Park Five, The Truth Shall Set Us Free
Premiere: TBD, Netflix

This docudrama features Marsha Stephanie Blake and is directed by Upspoken powerhouse Ava DuVernay. The Central Park Five is the case of five teenage boys who were wrongfully committed of raping a woman. The case in 1989 was racially charged as the accuser was white and the five boys came from low-income families and were Black and Latino. Then real estate mogul and now president took out a page in the newspaper calling for the five boys to be lynched. Something he has yet to apologize for although the teenagers were later exonerated and proven to have not been involved. DuVernay has told stories of the Black experience so beautifully we have no doubt this Netflix series will not disappoint.


What TV shows are looking forward to this year? Let us know in the comments!