
Let’s talk Characters, Connections and Kinship in ‘Survival of the Thickest’

Upspoken community, what is something you’re creating, reading, watching or listening to that is pushing you to prioritize your health and happiness? I’m currently rewatching “Survival of the Thickest” and it has given me so much to reflect on! I’m particularly struck by how many important lessons it left me with, particularly when it comes to prioritizing healthy relationships, friendships and my wellness. Keep reading to hear how some of the characters resonated with me.

I’ll try to not give away too much for those who haven’t had the chance to watch it yet, but potential spoilers ahead!

First, let’s talk about Mavis Beaumont, portrayed by the brilliant Michelle Buteau.

Mavis reminded me that it’s never too late to pivot or switch things up so that you can grow and make positive changes in your life. Mavis displays the importance of shedding toxic relationships and past behaviors in order to foster healthy love, relationships and sexual wellness. She doesn’t romanticize this journey. Which I appreciate, because truth be told, this can be tough. She shows that your journey to health and healing often comes with challenges and moments that you may want to get a time machine to undo. She also shows the beauty that comes with growing through changes. So many flowers blossomed through her moments of trial and error or simply going for it.

Then there’s Natasha Karina, flawlessly portrayed by Garcelle Beauvais. Natasha’s character brought a raw honesty to the show. She reminds us to look beneath the surface and uncover the deeper reasons behind our behaviors in previous and emerging relationships. Sometimes, uncovering the root causes of our actions and patterns can lead to greater understanding of ourselves and growth in our connections with others.

And let’s not forget Khalil, played by Tone Bell, and Marley, portrayed by Tasha Smith. They are text book examples of ride or dies. Change can be tricky waters to navigate. Friends like these two gear up to weather the storm with you, while also making sure their well-being is tended to. Khalil and Marley are cheerleaders and life coaches. They give tight hugs, gentle pushes, reality checks and pep talks.

I’m so excited for season two!

Take care. Stay Upspoken.