Simone Biles Got Me Thinkin’ All About My Health

Miss Simone Biles is filling up all my social media feeds and I’m oh so happy to see it! She’s been breaking records likes it’s nobody’s business. At the U.S. Championships this year she won EVERY gold medal, and this was after she took a year off!
From taking the Olympics by storm in Rio to this comeback, Simone is showing me, that no matter how far I may have set myself back (thinking about my health y’all), it’s the season for comebacks. And Simone has inspired me to get my Black Girl Magic ready and put my health first!
Time to get ready
Now, I am definitely not going to be doing handsprings on anybody’s floor mat, but I can be about my health. Seeing Simone’s moves and physical strength got me thinking: she clearly works hard to be strong and healthy, so how do I be about my health and own it like Simone? There are small things I can do to really OWN my health and wellbeing. Incremental goals have been proven to produce results, so I’m about to get these small wins honey!
Time to get right
Here are some of my realistic goals that will help me get on the path to being more about my health:
1. Get walking! You hear it all the time: Even as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day can make a big difference, so let’s start there. Whether I’m in LA or back home in Seattle, there is so much beauty to see outdoors. So, incorporating a 30 minute walk into my day won’t hurt. Plus, brisk walking has been shown to lower stress and burn calories, so double win there.
2. Stay hydrated. Did you know that 60 percent of your body is made of water? That’s why you gotta drink up when you’re thirsty and even more when you sweat more. I’m trying to drink about half my body weight in fluid ounces every day. For example, that means if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink at least 75 ounces of water every day. Water ain’t your thing? Try infused waters! My favorite combo is strawberry lemon. I pop some slices into my water bottle and I’m good to go.
3. Go to my annual checkup. I’ve always functioned by the rule that what you don’t know can’t hurt you, but when it comes to your health that’s far from the truth. So why not stop by the good ol’ doc to make sure I’m still in working condition? I’m gonna make sure I have my annual checkups in my calendar, because those appointments are just as important as my dinner dates with my girls. Remember that regular checkups can help find problems before they start. So make sure you’re getting your pap test, STD tests, eye check, and blood pressure check because we all wanna live a longer, healthier life.
4. Relax. My next small goal is to incorporate a relaxation practice because after all that walking I’m going to need it. No, but seriously, calming your mind is a best practice! One of the new things I will be trying out is meditation. I just downloaded a mediation app on my phone and it helps me calm my mind in five-minute sessions. But whether it’s this new app or a warm bubble bath, keeping our mind right is one of the biggest steps to getting right and keeping right in terms of our overall health.
5. One last thing on my get right list is… sistas! Even though Simone snatched up all of those medals with her dedication and skill, she still has a team. You gotta have the glow up squad sis — those who grow and glow up with you, supporting you the whole way! Because as one sista rises, we all rise. So, while you get right, bring your girls along! Remind them to get their steps in, stay hydrated, visit the doc, and use a relaxation technique. I also like to refer to this as getting you an accountabili-buddy because only your girlfriends will remind you to put the ice cream down and put on the walking shoes (other than your mother).
And speaking of girlfriends I’m going to say thank you to my new bestie Simone Biles, for doing what she does best, letting her Black Girl Magic shine. Because now, a girl like me, who is working hard and writing often, is inspired to put the pen down to get right and be about my health! Because Black women’s health matters, my health matters. And thanks Simone for inspiring me to think about it! 🙌🏾
Tell us what small things you do to keep healthy in the comments below!
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